DrugGen: An AI Tool for Generating Drug-Like Molecules from Protein Sequences
In a significant advancement for drug discovery, the newly developed AI tool, DrugGen, allows researchers to generate drug-like small molecule structures directly from protein sequences or UniProt IDs. This innovative tool simplifies the process by enabling users to input data, specify parameters, and download the generated results with ease.DrugGen leverages advanced algorithms to create molecular structures that are not only chemically valid but also optimized for potential binding interactions with target proteins. By fine-tuning its capabilities based on approved drug-target interactions, DrugGen enhances the likelihood of producing viable drug candidates.With its user-friendly interface and robust functionality, DrugGen is poised to accelerate the early stages of drug development, offering researchers a powerful resource in their quest for effective therapeutic solutions. As the field of pharmaceutical research continues to evolve, tools like DrugGen represent a transformative step forward in harnessing AI for innovative drug discovery.
Developers: Mahsa Sheikholeslami, Navid Mazrouei, Yousof Gheisari, Afshin Fasihi, Matin Irajpour, Ali Motahharynia